We will send doulas who match your criteria your first name, phone number and email so they can introduce themselves.
This information will not be used for any purpose other than allowing selected doulas to introduce themselves. We always exclude your last name and street address.
How do you prefer to be contacted by the referred doulas? Please check any that apply, unless you have opted out of doulas contacting you.
NAPS will email you the referred doulas contact information.
Some insurance companies or employer based benefit programs require a certified doula. Check the box below if you need certified doulas.
Some of our experienced doulas choose not to certify for a variety of reasons, others are either formally certified or working towards certification.
We are able to offer referrals to most areas within the Puget Sound region.
How many babies will be in the home? *
Are you requesting: *
Are you looking for daytime, evening, or overnight support? *
Please select all that apply
You may not know how much support you need, and that's okay!
We ask this question as some of our doulas may be allergic to certain pets.
Ex. special needs or preferences, special sibling or pet support, particular dates needed
Type of Contact
Primary Request
Geographic Area *